Bang Goes the Potato

Bang Goes the Potato

Tonight’s “Bang Goes the Theory” by the BBC was all about plastics. Complementing this episode is a Web Exclusive on the production of bioplastics that presents a simplified view of the the manufacture of bioplastics and features a number of samples from Biome.

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Biome Bioplastics Exhibits at “Leading IB – A UK Showcase”

The global bioeconomy is gaining pace and the UK is positioning itself at the forefront. Illustrating the progress made in exploiting industrial biotechnology in the UK, the Industrial Biotechnology Leadership Forum (IBLF) is hosting an event to showcase recent examples of IB success.

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Bioplastic Division Reaches Breakeven

Biome Bioplastics’ parent company (Biome Technologies) has reported its results for 2011. This includes news that Biome Bioplastics grew 81% in the year and the Bioplastics Division made a maiden profit.

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