Biome Bioplastics attends the launch of the Industrial Biotechnology Catalyst programme

13 February 2014
Biome Bioplastics attends the launch of the Industrial Biotechnology Catalyst programme

The Industrial Biotechnology Catalyst Brokering Event marks the launch of a £250 million programme that will accelerate commercialisation by supporting the development of new industrial biotechnology products and processes.

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Technology Strategy Board and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) plans to invest £45m in major integrated research and development projects through the Industrial Biotechnology Catalyst.

The programme will support R&D for the processing and production of materials, chemicals and bioenergy through the sustainable exploitation of biological resources. The key aim is to translate research on biological processes into industrial processes.

Industrial biotechnology offers the potential to develop efficient and sustainable ways of satisfying our chemical and material needs. Bioplastics are key to this sector and are leading the way for other manufacturers to move into this space.

Biome Bioplastics is currently conducting research into a new, plentiful source of organic chemicals for the manufacture of bioplastics. Backed by a grant from the Technology Strategy Board and working in partnership with the University of Warwick’s Centre for Biotechnology and Biorefining, the project is investigating the possibility of using lignin as an alternative, bio-based source of chemicals.

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